Anchor Industries 9003021 Training Fire Shelter, Large Size – 1 Each
*This product is currently experiencing an extended lead time, expected shipment is: May 2023.
The Anchor Training Fire Shelters are manufactured to US Forestry Service specifications and are US Government approved. This reusable large size practice fire shelter system is used for training in use of M-2002 fire shelter. The large-size training shelter is designed for firefighters taller than 6’1″ or whose girth exceeds 53″ at any point. With our manufacturing processes ISO 9001 certified, you can rest assured knowing that the utmost care and precautions are taken to craft the highest quality training Fire Shelter.
Note: This item is not fire-resistant and should not be used as a fire shelter.
Anchor Industries Inc. has been manufacturing government approved fire shelters for over 30 years. With specially designed manufacturing equipment, shelters are produced in large quantities with rapid turnaround. Government awards prove that Anchor fire shelters, tents and structures are an industry standard. When lives are on the line, there can be no shortcuts on quality!